Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thinking of you

So as I drift off to sleep in my mind's eye I envision things close by
A sensation in my third eye and I see a beautiful figure, angelic and comforting with billowing white gowns flowing around her like light.
I haven't seen her in this world for 15 years, but she's been beside us every step of the way since my worldly eyes last fell on her smile, since my arms were enveloped by her embrace.

My earthly mind misses what it cannot experience in the conventional dimensions of reality. But my spirit-self feels a presence in everything I do.

So as I lay in the twilight between here and now and I let my consciousness drift out of spacetime I feel her with us.

Flowing white around a beautiful face of smiling eyes and long brown hair. Facial images flicker between the ways I remember her. She's an 18 year old girl in a black and white photo, a young woman in her twenties on a beach on a great lake, a happy middle-aged woman embracing her beloved. The tear-filled face that would say goodbye the mornings we drove away to go back to our other home 400 miles away.

Eyes always smiling.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Being a fall down drunk today takes everything you've got
Drowning your sorrows and your worries sure can cost a lot
Wouldn't you like to drift away?

Sometimes you wanna go
Where everybody slurs your name
And the floor's a vomit stain
You wanna go where whiskey flow
Livers are torn and maimed
You wanna go where they're too drunk to know your name.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Remember to wash hands after handling currency

The other day, student Aand student B were disrupting class because student A (a girl) took a dollar from student B (a boy) without his permission, put it in her ass and wouldn't give it back. Student B, a tough South Bronx kid, whined and whined that he wanted his dollar back from the student A who claimed to have infused it with anal vapors. As things played out the "ass dollar" as it were almost usurped the vocabulary lesson I had planned.

Still, we made it through the lesson and logical consequences were handed out to the offending parties.

Good Fortune

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where is your favorite place to be?

Student response:

I would want to be in paradise, where no one can do stupid shit, where I can have all the food in the world and not get fat when I eat it, where I can run freely on the grass and where I can ... what ever I want. Maybe I am thinking of heaven.
I love it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Steaming Pile of ..... Really?

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late on this short review, but... Axl Rose took how long to make Chinese Democracy? I mean after all those years that's the best you can do Axl? Really? I mean, I just thought you know after years of meticulous studio hermeticism it would be like Sgt. Pepper meets Nevermind or something... but instead it's kinda a cross between Look What the Cat Dragged in and anything by Stabbing Westward and destined for the Bestbuy cutout bin. Strange...

Friday, September 4, 2009

The President's Physical PhytnessTest (or indoctrination into Socialist Dystopia)

President's Physical Phytness Test!

I wonder how many parents will demand that their child be excused from this politicized physical fitness activity. Do they still make the kids take the President's Physical Fitness Test? That seems like indoctrination into a Socialist ideal to me -- this could be how he trains his new Red Army of Socialist Youth.

All I remember about this was that it was another way to humiliate those of us who were uncoordinated, asthmatic and all-around unathletic. It was inhumane and it was always a foregone conclusion that the Aryan youth of my elementary school would get the little certificate signed by that lovable dope Reagan while the rest of us sweat our asses off squeezing out the minimum amount of situps while our troglodyte gym teacher counted with scorn.

Our children should not have to take part in this politicized physical battery! Are we educating our children or training them for the New World Order? God bless America!

This Nation Needs an Enema

"Ask not what your country can do for you, [THE REST OF THIS QUOTE IS OPTIONAL WITH WRITTEN PARENTAL CONSENT]"

This nation needs a serious enema. I'm talking a total intellectual high colonic. We've reached a serious WTF?! moment when a sitting president of the U.S. can't even plan a "stay in school" message to schoolkids without the ignorant masses getting into a tizzy. We all love the 1st amendment, but we tend to want to silence those with whom we disagree. "I don't like him, get him off of the air!" Seems a little anti-American doesn't it? Seems anti-democratic to wish to silence people's views. Almost seems communist. And they do it, on the left and the right. What kind of message are we passing along to our children when rather than expose them to myriad viewpoints and then teach them right from wrong, we censor what we do not like and inculcate our children with our self-righteous idea of patriotism? Not a fortnight goes by when somebody isn't protesting to shut somebody up. People take to the streets, the papers, the airwaves to exercise their 1st amendment rights calling to take away those of someone else. Do they fail to see the irony?

Why not use something as a teachable moment, as a way of illustrating that free speech is a responsibility that goes hand in hand with free thought. Parents should use these opportunities to tell their children why they feel that what was said or broadcast is right or wrong. Instead they take the easy route and hermetically seal their child's ears from reality in the hopes that they can somehow handle it when mommy and daddy's earmuffs are out of earshot.

So the President of the "Greatest Democracy on Earth" wants to address America's schoolchildren, tell them to "stay in school" just like many presidents did before him. (The last president notwithstanding, it's interesting that this flap comes up after an 8 year absence of an intellectual leader -- "wait, this guy can read and speak coherantly? That's novel".) But the same cancerous forces that divided this nation under 8 years of neoconservatism continue to divide the nation today. The big boys fight over health care, label their opponents as "socialist." And the simple message to "stay in school" becomes a political lightning rod. Why encourage free thought? People who think freely might actually ask their leaders for better healthcare. Educated masses might actually hold their leaders accountable and not succumb to mindless propaganda. It was encouraging last November to see a man elected despite the color of his skin. Hope and change were in the air.

Still, roughly nine months later, our nascent change has a way to go....