... isn't that a surefire way to guarantee that nobody reads this? Somebody starts telling you about a dream and you totally zone out. I know. I do it too. But bear with me here. This one is quick.
I dreamed that Jon Stewart was reporting that there were a group, a colony if you will, of turtles who lived near some high cliff. They lived peacefully with a group of mongooses (that's the plural, I looked it up). The mongooses loved the turtles very much, thought they were cute and stuff. The only problem was that they thought the shells were an impediment to their love. They felt that they must free the turtles of their shells in order to fully love them. So the mongooses pushed the turtles off of the high cliff to shatter their shells. Of course, the turtles plummeted to their deaths, much to the chagrin of the mongooses.
Have at it, Sigmund...
Please note that I am taking cold medicine.