Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Damned if you...

For one who truly dislikes the Yankee$, this World Series is a win-win situation. On the one hand, if they manage to win it's a hollow victory, akin to beating the computer in Madden Football 89 to 0 because you put all of the games best players on your team. It loses all sense of fun and becomes a farce. On the other hand, if they lose, the evil empire is defeated. The "underdog" (not that the Phillies are underdogs in any sense) wins. Ironically, the Phillies are a much better-assembled baseball team than the current Yankees. Solid players at almost every position, not too flashy, just gritty players. As a Mets fan I hated them during the regular season. But when I watch them without fan-goggles I realize that they are everything the Mets SHOULD be. They even signed two key players the Mets should have grabbed (Cliff Lee and Raul Ibanez). Mets fans can hate on the Phillies all they want, but there's not one guy on that team I wouldn't want on the Mets. Okay, maybe Victorino because he's a tool. But a scrappy tool.

The Yankees... keep your overpaid prima donnas.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What I do when I should be working...

This is how one procrastinates...
Tom Stroh


My plastic Gatorade(TM) bottle makes popping noises as it settles into it's shape after I put the lid on it. This is happening and it keeps freaking me out because I think that there is someone next to me going, "ppptttt." Not cool, Gatorade(TM) bottle. Not cool.2009-10-27 21.17.34.jpg

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shocking video footage of "Balloon Boy"

An alert bystander with a Super 8 video camera was able to get this amazing footage of the boy who floated away with the balloon.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Say hello to my little friend....

He paid us a visit last night.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Say hello, wave goodbye...

100,000 invites! Where the hell is mine!

The tech world is awash with excitement for today's scheduled release of 100,000 invitations to preview Google Wave.


I willingly accept the almighty power of the Google. Now give me my damn wave!

Somebody send me an invite. I'll wave at you.... holla!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

If you ever wanted to know what my nightmares look like...
Blogged with the Flock Browser

A Flock of Foxes

So I'm testing out this Flock web browser based on Mozilla Firefox. It's pretty cool. All of the extensions I like using in FF 3.5 work great in this and the implementation of social web 2.0 features are pretty slick. I'm typing this blog post up using Flock's blogging tool -- so we'll see how it comes out.

Flock, The Social Web Browser!
Blogged with the Flock Browser